Happy Places
I decided that I need a coke and a smile tonight so here I am, but actually I am a pepsi drinker, or cherry coke, but that just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? And I just am going to rattle of things that make me happy....*Those two gorgeous little smiles to your right
*Dancing w/my kids during the day, gawd I love that, they just laugh so hard at me...hey I'm no pro, all my experiance has been in bars! =)
*Lounging in bed with them for a looong time in the morning (damn going back to 8-5 is going to suck)
* S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G!!! Oh yes, love it
* Getting personal emails from friends, love to hear whats going on
* Polls
* My mommy
* The color pink..yes it makes me happy..lol
* Good music
* A good lifetime movie
* A clean house
* Makeup..that should be up towards the top
* KENNY...oh KENNY!!! he should be on top to...woops UP top, I mean...muahahahahah
*Kenny again, damn seriously just thinking of him makes me smile
* Cale and Micah walking around quoting Home Alone "Buzz..your girlfriend WOOF!"
* Girls night out, the rare occassions when Eve and I get out
* New furniture...just the thought that it will happen in the near future I hope.
* King of Queens
* Oooh SHOES...and Purses..more stuff that should be up top.
* My black boots, all of them. LOL
* Getting blessed w/extra money
* Getting a card in the mail
* Sending out holiday cards to friends/family. I do it for most holidays, its just so fun.
* Getting a new book
* losing weight, thats way down here cause it doesn't happen as often as I want...
Ok I think I'm done..I feel better, just thinking of some of those things makes me smile!
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