My goals for the coming New Year!
Ok so I wanted to get these down before I forget them or get sidetracked and forget what I want to put on it. This way throughout the year I can refer back to this as a reminder. I am about the worst person about keeping New Years Resolutions. Really I am. But this year is going to be Spend more time doing activities with the boys, not so many lazy Saturdays and Sundays at home.
2. Having more patience and consistancy when disciplining the boys. (not losing my cool and sticking to the punishment..Im so weak)
3. Making more romantic and intimate time w/Jason.
4. Really getting things in order for our reception.
5. Keeping in touch with Jason's family more
6. Re-establishing our savings once I become employed again
7. Keep papers more organized
8. Get the life insurance papers, will's and POA updated
9. Get the adoption paperwork for Jason w/Micah
10. Diet and exercise change (as always...blah
11. Get my new furniture!
12. Take a spanish class, so I can improve and not speak it so sloppily and get my comprehension back so every other phrase when I am speaking with someone is not "Mas Despacio"!! GRR LOL
So those are my long term goals and "To Do's" not the short list that I have in order for the next two months. Oye Ve!
Typing it went quickly one can only hope that it will be completed so quickly. A girl can dream. =)
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