Ok so I talked to our landlord (I can call him that now..right?!) and he said he sees no bumps in the road for us moving into the house! Talk about relief *whew*. He spoke w/our current landlord, who I have yet to speak with..eek. I always feel like a cheating spouse when I move. I've rented for almost 10yrs now and I've yet to not feel bad when telling one landlord that we are leaving, even when it is an apartment. Anyways he spoke with her and she said we were great tenants. *Double Whew* Cause I know we pay rent on time, but we are upstairs and I know that downstairs its got to sound like a heard of elephants or a parade up here sometimes. Plus when you are a downstairs tenant you can hear *everything* almost that goes on upstairs. Once I could hear my upstairs neighbor go pee, and blow his nose, yeah he *was* cute until that happened. LOLSo now I will talk to our current landlord and see when we will be able to leave, our lease was up at the end of June and we are just on month to month (though Michelle being the darling that she is did not raise the rent...now you see why I feel bad..LOL). Here in WA you have to give 20 days (not bad cause in AZ it was 30) so I'll speak with her and figure out the dates. So hopefully come mid Jan we will be able to move in. Though the new landlord may give us the keys when we give him the deposit since its empty right now anyways. So tomorrow will bring more details in this moving saga!
So once I got the news that we were approved, I started my next most important move and that is locating which school Micah would be attending and checking it out. This search is not easy. I called around to the schools in the area and give the address of the house and each school tells me another school *roll eyes*. So finally, the one that I think he is supposed to go to, I tried calling all afternoon and kept getting their machine. *Sigh*
This is really so important to me, as I worry to how he will adjust. Everyone keeps reassuring me that he will do fine as he is only in Kindergarten, but still...ya know? Plus this school only has one KG class, what is the size?? Is it all day? Do they have a similiar tutoring program like what he is in now, cause that is really helping him. So I will find these things out, and if Im not comfortable with it, I will inquire about another school in the same district. The boundry restrictions are not nearly as enforced as they were when I was in school.
I was really hoping that we would be in this one school's boundry; because the story behind this school is funny. When I came out to visit my parents in 2000 and Micah was 14mths old, and he and I were still living in PHX, my mom took me by this quaint little brick school, where the 6th graders were the crossing guards and it had the bell out front (small town living..lol) and as silly as it sounds, my mom said to me, "See if you move here Micah could go to that school when he gets bigger!" And I remember thinking how far off school was to him then, but that thought was really the clencher for my move here. Silly huh? LOL but now here we are and my baby is school age, gosh that seems like forever ago.
So on to my next topic..lol I think that my sweet little Caleb is going to grow up to be a mofia leader of some sort. LOL He loves I mean absolutely loves Gi Joes. Well as much as he loves them he is always breaking their legs off. Its funny and frustrating at the same time. We always tell him when we hand him one, "Now Caleb do NOT break the legs" and he'll repeat "No breaka der legs right mommy?" and it just seems like a conversation that you would have with Al Copone or Lucky Luciano..LOL We told him that Santa will not be bringing him any GI Joes. I feel bad but really I am tired of finding little plastic legs all over my home.
Last topic...my jealousy.
Do you ever have those friends who just get *EVERYTHING* they want and nothing...seriously nothing really crappy happens to them, and all the good stuff comes easily. Yeah well thats my best friend of 15yrs. I hate being jealous of her, but I just can't help it. She got the car at 16 (1993 Eclipse in 1994), her parents were able to buy her everything, big wedding, like 3 honeymoons, not to mention many other trips and cruises with her husband. Great furniture, and clothes, the roses weekly, dinners out, the 2kt ring..blah blah. So her and her husband are now going to NY for a week to see Phantom..that SUCKS! LOL We (her and I)performed the music to that play in choir (I was in choir for 5yrs)so I was just telling her last week that I wanted to see it, and if I couldn't see the play I thought she should fly in (she lives in San Diego) and we could see the movie together. Well not one week later *BAM* she going to see the play, not the movie, but the play and get a week in NY too. Ahh to have the money to do those things. Jason and I have not been out on a date in almost 2yrs...yes I know, no wonder why we are the Bickersons lately.
Another lifetime I suppose. =)
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